Philip Hwang

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Neuroscience (molecular)


​Philip is a PhD student in Neurobiology studying microglia as regulators of neuronal health and function with Dr. Anne Schaefer at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York. Born and raised in the California Bay Area, he grew up as a first generation Chinese-American in the agrarian town of Tracy. There, through his high school biology teacher, he happened upon a book titled “Letters to a Young Scientist” by Edward O. Wilson which deeply resonated with him and further attested to his childhood goal of becoming a scientist. Philip spent his undergraduate days at the University of California, Irvine majoring in Neurobiology and researching the molecular mechanisms of cocaine addiction under Dr. Marcelo Wood. Appreciating the instrumental role that his mentors played in his own pursuits, Philip is driven to help others to achieve their goals by becoming a source of support and advice as his mentors were to him. By participating in and initiating various scientific outreach organizations such as the Irvine Chapter of Nu Rho Psi, Philip hopes to inspire others and give people the tools necessary to pursue a career in science. Outside of science, Philip is currently picking up amateur photography, enjoys touching rocks nobody has touched before (hiking), and misses his old days as a martial arts practitioner.

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