Michael Hart

University of Pennsylvania



​Michael Hart obtained a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Centre College in 2017. He is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Pennsylvania working in the lab of Dr. Edward “Jim” Delikatny. His research focuses on the development of fluorescent probes for molecular imaging of cancer. Particular, Michael studies the activation of fluorescent probe by an enzyme overexpressed in a variety of cancer types and is synthesizing new fluorophores for cancer detection. Outside of the lab, Michael has aided in the instruction of summer courses offered in conjunction by Pharm4GOOD and Upward Bound, co-founded an organization for LGBTQ+ biomedical graduate students (LTBGS+), and participated as a mock interviewer for undergraduates interested in applying to scientific graduate programs. Personally, Michael is an avid animal lover with three pets to prove it: his dog, Taj; his cat, Cloud; and his chameleon, Drogon. Michael enjoys playing video games, attending musical and theatre performances, and spending time with his boyfriend and pets.

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