Alison Chung

Co-Director of Social Media and Website Development

Alison is a graduate student in the University of Victoria's MSc-PhD Clinical Neuropsychology program. She recently received her bachelor's degree in Honours Psychology at Simon Fraser University in 2021, and moved from the Vancouver lower mainland to Vancouver Island to pursue graduate studies. Her research interests include studying neurocognitive and psychosocial predictors of health in older adults living with cognitive decline, chronic conditions, and neurodegeneration. Her master's thesis aims to examine longitudinal relationships between mobility and psychosocial factors on cognitive decline in individuals living with parkinsonism using structural equation modelling analyses. Clinically, she is interested in conducting cognitive and psycho-educational assessment in adults. Outside of academia, Alison is passionate about advocating for neurodiverse, disabled, and marginalized individuals. In her spare time, she is an avid video game player and academic tutor.


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