Sean Lyon

Co-Director of Pre-Grad Outreach & Recruitment

Sean Lyon received his B.Sc. in Interdisciplinary Studies: Biology and Business from Wheaton College (IL), a M.Sc. in Environmental Biology: Avian Ecology from California State University Los Angeles, and is currently a doctoral student in Quantitative and Systems Biology at the University of California, Merced. Passionate about ecology and evolutionary biology, in Sean's current research he focuses on the behavioral ecology of Southern Ground-Hornbills in Gorongosa National Park in Mozambique, seeking to reveal why these birds (which can live up to 60 years!) breed in groups, and what social and environmental factors affect their population outcomes. Prior to joining the Executive Board, Sean was a mentee in Project SHORT. He is energized to provide an impactful mentorship experience for graduate-school applicants at scale.


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